Non-Governmental Organization working for lasting Cease Fire and Peace Process in the Middle East through the Non-Violent Approach
We’re opening a Shelter here. To make you feel good and welcome, whenever the skies above our heads get too heavy and stormy.
A banquet of a kind, for the human mind.
Diotima of Mantinea, Ibn Arabi, Confucius, Tolstoy, Immanuel Kant, Spinoza, Einstein, George Orwell, Michael Moore, Maud Fontenoy, Beatie Deutsch, Himoud Brahimi, Fauja Singh, Martin Luther King, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, Jimmy Wales… are our permanent guests. They’re with us, to comfort us, spread their lights, make us stronger.
Don’t be afraid, or too proud : what they share with us is simple, and fruitful.
We have to admit : we just can’t make it on our own. We need help. An open mind-house.
Often, when things around go wrong – and they sure do, time and again, due to climate change, floods, droughts, fires, political upheavals and corruption, wars… you wish there’d be some place you could go, to find solace and sense.
This is what we are striving to create here.