Newsletter n° 122
December 23, 2023
Because we are human beings, and human beings are not bargaining chips,
Because we are horrified by the carnages and pogroms of October 7 in the name of « armed resistance »,
We express our ultimate and universal condemnation concerning all acts of bloody savagery allegedly for the sake of a « war of liberation ». No political or religous speech, whatsoever, can ever legitimate the massacre of innocents, the murder of a child, the rape of a woman, the kidnapping of elderly people in their home.
We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages detained in Gaza. Prisoners of war can be exchanged. Abducted civilians are not prisoners of war.
Gaza civilians also are hostages in this horrendous chaos.
For a durable cessation of hostilities, we support a permanent end to all attack tunnels and the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip.
- Article 25 of Hamas Charter (2017)
Why we look forward to a total demilitarization in Gaza : after a 40-year terror campaign that left over 800 killed, half of them civilians, « ETA has decided to declare an end to its historical cycle and its role. ETA has completely dissolved all its structures. » It abandoned its armed campaign in 2011. Their ultimate statement is that, although « this decision does not bring an end to the conflict between the Basque homeland and Spain and France », the full dissolution was enacted in 2018, and included apologizing to its victims and their families.
« Let’s not repeat our mistakes.
Let’s not let our problems fester.
Doing so would only give rise to new problems. »
Likewise, 2007 was the end of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, with the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning first launched in September 1997. The IRA then pledged to use « exclusively peaceful means ». « All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms… to complete the process to verifiably put its arms beyond use in a way which will further enhance public confidence and to conclude this as quickly as possible. » The IRA conclusion was :
« We are conscious that many people suffered in the conflict.
There is a compelling imperative on all sides to build a just and lasting peace. »
There is no other way in Gaza and the whole of Palestine.
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